Green Ted

Brighton, February 2018

Green Ted in Brighton

A brief visit to Brighton with two targets in mind from the Brighton Sculpture trail, Loaves and Fishes and Passacaglia, the latter with the West Pier in the distance. Passacaglia has confused the iPhone panorama function which has separated the parts rather more than in the original. Another snap tomorrow if the weather holds.

[12Feb18] More images of Passacaglia added:
1. Full image (X100S, HDR)
2. Detail (Olympus EM10)
3. Panorama (X100S, camera panorama)

Loaves and Fishes
Sculptor: John & Helen Mary Skelton
Architect: Wells-Thorpe and Suppel Loaves and Fishes is set into the wall of the Brighthelm Church & Community Centre, North Road It was unveiled on 10th October 1987.
This is a large sculpture set into an open rectangle in the brick wall. The sculpture depicts a hand holding a loaf of bread with intertwining fish above and below. Refers to Christ feeding the 5000 with but five loaves and two fish.

Sculptor: Charles Hadcock
Foundry: James W. Shenton Ltd.
The statue is in the form of a tile tessellation, inspired by the limestone terraces at Black Head, Co. Clare, Ireland. All tiles have textured surfaces that resemble Yorkstone paving. It weighs 20 tons and is constructed from recycled cast iron. The title of the sculpture comes from an Italian musical description of an instrumental piece in which a theme stretching over several bars is continually repeated, usually but not necessarily always, in the bass.
The sculpture has a strong relationship to the sea and the flat coastline of Brighton, resembling a giant wave breaking onto the pebbles or the hull of a wrecked ship. The structure is slightly different now to when it was first installed. It was dismantled and removed in 2004 due to cracks appearing in the upper section. When the sculpture was returned to the beach in 2007, it was decided not to replace the damaged section for fear of similar problems in the future. The statue was installed on 20th March 1998. Brighton Sculpture trail
Green Ted and Passacaglia
Passacaglia, 11th Feb 2018, Cat. 1,741
Green Ted and Passacaglia, HDR Green Ted and Passacaglia, detail Green Ted and Passacaglia, panorama
Passacaglia, 12th Feb 2018, Cat. 1,750-2