Green Ted
The pieces are:
1. Allen Jones, Chair, 1969, Acrylic paint on glass fibre and resin with perspex and leather
Lynda Benglis, Quartered Meteor, 1969 cast 1975, Lead and steel on steel base
Richard Deacon, For Those Who have Ears #2, 1983, Wood and adhesive
Barry Flanagan, rope (gr 2sp 60) 6 '67 [call me a cynic but I think more art, craft and effort went into the label than the piece]
5. Frederic Leighton,
An Athlete Wrestling with a Python, 1877, Bronze
Goshka Macuga, Death of Marxism, Women of All Lands Unite, 2013, Polyester, cotton, wool, nylon, and elastane fabrics and performance †
7. Ronald Moody, Johannan, 1936, Elm
The names of the last two pieces were not found.
† It is intended to photograph GT at Marx's tomb, so a snap of GT with a piece incorporating that very thing will have a pleasing symmetry.
The quotes are from some of the Tate's labels,
Chair - Jones's provocative Chair is one of three 'furniture' works, alongside Hatstand and Table that show women wearing fetish clothing portrayed as objects. They caused controversy when they were first exhibited and have lost none of their power to provoke anger.
Death of Marxism - Macuga places images of women from photgraphs by Miroslav Tichý (1926-2011) around the London tomb of Karl Marx. Tichý was a Czech artist who took thousands of voyeuristic pictures of women. Macuga moves the women from passive objects of Tichý's gaze to active participants of a history that excluded them. At times during the display, two female performers will sit on the tapestry and discuss Marxist theory. The title humorously adapts Marx's famous slogan from the Communist Manifesto, 'Workers of all lands unite'. Tate Britain labels